We have the expertise to transform an entire workforce. Whether you need to improve the effectiveness of leaders or teams, or simply help one person succeed in their career, we can support.
Achieving growth while navigating change requires adaptable, engaged managers and employees — along with an effective strategy for retaining key talent.
Portals Assesment
Our programs create confident, capable and inspiring leaders who can change company cultures, drive performance, and improve employee engagement.
The Leadership contract™
The Accountable Manager™
Executive Coaching
LHH Coaching Practices for Leader™
LHH Coaching Conversations™
Team Coaching
DevelopMe™ Coaching Solutions
Resiliency and workforce Productivity
Maximizing Mental Agility
Employee engagement solutions that drive organizational change and performance improvement.
Portal assesment
Talent Builder™
DevelopMe™ Career Solutions
DevelopMe™ Change Solutions
DevelopMe™ Change Solutions
ChangeMap™ for Managers
ChangeMap™ for Employees
We help employees transition quickly and successfully into new jobs and career opportunities.
Career Transition & Outplacement
Connect with Talented Job Seekers
Career Resources Network
Valuntary Early Retirement Program
Gedung Vinilon, lt 3
Jl. Raden Saleh No 13 – 17 Jakarta 10430
Call : +62 21 29578 187
Email : info@lhh.co.id
Copyrights© 2022 LHH Indonesia